Diversified industry needs

Market Exploration
Import & Export
Product Planning
Market Research
Any chance to import & export trade?
Any development potential in auto market of each energy type?
What product strategy should be used to enter the market?
What's the local competition landscape?
How the trends about auto industry of each energy type?

Multi-dimensional data solution

One-stop auto industry information platform to help enterprises to explore auto market of each energy type

What can Global NEVS bring you?

Lower cost to get data

Charge by account

Higher efficient to collect data

One-stop platform to obtain auto-related data for your business

Data analysis

Professional data cleansing and processing to ensure accuracy and integrity
Analysis charts to show data intuitively

Global NEVS Strength

Comprehensive industry data to help you grasp the trend in real time

Comprehensive data
The broad-based database, which keeps updating in real time, covers models from 150+ brands and their manufacturers and 300+ auto parts and their suppliers across nearly 100 countries and regions.
Reliable source
In addition to our exclusive data, Global NEVS has established partnership with several authorities for data, committed to provide reliable and valuable data service to our clients.
Professional team
100+ data experts in the R&D teams who are experienced in data processing are committed to providing wholehearted services.
Easy analysis
Smart search, chart & graph analysis, data download, as well as cross-over analysis are available, sparing no effort to make business and research higher efficient

All-round analysis to help you master the competition landscape

Supply chain enterprises
Able to quickly search for enterprises and their products in auto industry, especially in NEV field.
Auto part supply-demand
Auto part information, including the equipped model, manufacturer, supply-demand relationship, etc.
Competition landscape
Master auto competition landscape through model sales, production, and equipment suppliers.
Data indicators & charts
Search information by key data indicators, and conduct crossover analysis by custom indicators.

Various industry research report to give you valuable industry insights

Multi-dimensional research
We provide 100+ research and industry reports on sales and export volume, and etc. each year.
Well-grounded research
Our research reports are based on objective data, massive users' voice, experts' interpretation and multi-angle analysis, dedicated to providing you with valuable industry insights.
Regular update
We produce research reports regularly to make you access to the latest industry information, and you can also trace the industry development trend by viewing historic reports.
Flexible service
You can read our reports online as well as download them. If report customization is needed, please contact us for detailed research topic and delivery method.
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