Global Sales/Production

Latest monthly data by country

Global NEVS

With 100+ professional staff and over 20 years of experience in automotive data, we are committed to provide you the following services:

Data, reports and dynamics in auto industry
Structure design, contents and analysis charts of Global NEVS products
Well-structured analysis to NEV industry
We expect to share our fruitful researches and experience throughout these years with enterprises and individuals in automotive industry, and are looking forward to joining efforts to push forward auto industry.

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  • Information on Global NEVS is obtained from publicly available information, or authorised by third parties, or from research conducted by Global NEVS. Global NEVS does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information, and only provides general information for reference only, and Global NEVS is not liable for any damages incurred by any subject as a result of the use of the content of this website.
  • The information published on Global NEVS is for the internal use of the contracting company only and should be quoted with the attribution "Global NEVS". Global NEVS owns and reserves all copyright and other intellectual property rights in the content of this website. Content of this website may not be reproduced, duplicated, published or quoted in any form by any organisation or individual without prior permission. If there are special circumstances, you must contact us in advance at the following email address to obtain approval before quoting, and you must use it within the permitted scope.